Donating online is the fastest and most secure way to help people in need afford their medications.
Make your gift online.

To mail a donation to PAN Foundation via US postal service, please mail your gift to:
Patient Access Network Foundation
PO Box 411439
Boston, MA 02241-1439
To send a donation to PAN Foundation overnight via FedEx:
Bank of America Lockbox Services
Patient Access Lockbox #411439 MA5-527-02-07
2 Morrissey Blvd
Dorchester, MA 02125
Make your check or money order payable to the PAN Foundation and include how you would like your donation designated in the memo line.
If none is provided, we will gladly direct your donation where needed most. Otherwise, please include the program or disease fund you would like your gift allocated to.
If your gift is in tribute to someone, please tell us whom and enclose the name and contact information of the person(s) you would like us to inform of your gift.