More than half of LGBTQIA+ adults and people of color are interested in clinical trials, but have not been invited
The PAN Foundation’s 2024 Opening Doors to Clinical Trials Survey reveals that despite historically low participation rates, there is a high level of interest and a positive perception of clinical trials among LGBTQIA+ adults and people of color.
Eighty-six percent of LGBTQIA+ adults and 83% of people of color said they have a positive perception of clinical trials. Additionally, 65% of LGBTQIA+ adults and 58% of people of color expressed interest in participating in a future clinical trial.
However, among those who have never participated in a clinical trial, when asked why they have not already participated, the number one reason for all populations is simply that no one has asked. Specifically, only 22% of people of color and 20% of LGBTQ+ adults say their healthcare provider has discussed the option of a clinical trial with them.
Other findings include:
- More than half (61%) of all respondents stated that they are interested in participating in a clinical trial in the future.
- Though interest appears high, nearly 9 in 10 respondents (87%) say they would need to know more about the specifics of clinical trials to consider participating.
- Specifically, more information on the cost and reimbursements (81%) and patient confidentiality (80%) might influence respondents’ willingness to participate.
- Nearly half (45%) of individuals who sought information about clinical trials relied on their own online research as the main resource.
The survey data underscores the need for more inclusive outreach and education. In response, the PAN Foundation launched a comprehensive clinical trial education and support initiative to empower people on their healthcare journeys.
The PAN Foundation, alongside our partners and advocates, will continue to voice our support for increasing education and equitable access to clinical trials.
Polling methodology
The research was conducted online in the United States by The Harris Poll on behalf of the PAN Foundation among 4,492 completes age 18+ who reside in the U.S. The survey was conducted July 1 – 19, 2024. The survey was offered in both English and Spanish.
Data for Hispanic, Black/African American, Asian, and Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander/American Indian/Alaskan Native, White race/ethnicity subgroups are each weighted individually where necessary by: education, age by gender, region, household income, household size, marital status, employment, aggregated language proficiency (Hispanic only), LGBTQIA+ status (excluding Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander/American Indian/Alaskan Native), and political party affiliation to bring them in line with their actual proportions in the population. A post-weight was then applied to combine all data and weighted where necessary by race/ethnicity (except White). Separately, due to overlap with the other samples, data for the LGBTQIA+ sample are weighted where necessary by education, age by gender, race/ethnicity, region, household size, marital status, and smoking status to be online to bring them in line with their actual proportions in the population.
Respondents for this survey were selected from among those who have agreed to participate in our surveys. The sampling precision of Harris online polls is measured by using a Bayesian credible interval. For this study, the sample data is accurate to within + the below percentage points using a 95% confidence level:
- Hispanic: + 4.5 percentage points
- Black/African American: + 3.6 percentage points
- Asian: + 4.2 percentage points
- Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander/American 0Indian/Alaskan Native: + 9.6 percentage points
- White: + 5.3 percentage points
- LGBTQIA+: + 4.1 percentage points
This credible interval will be wider among subsets of the surveyed population of interest. All sample surveys and polls, whether or not they use probability sampling, are subject to other multiple sources of error which are most often not possible to quantify or estimate, including, but not limited to coverage error, error associated with nonresponse, error associated with question wording and response options, and post-survey weighting and adjustments.
About the PAN Foundation
As a leading charitable foundation and healthcare advocacy organization, the PAN Foundation is dedicated to accelerating access to treatment for those who need it most and empowering patients on their healthcare journeys. We provide critical financial assistance for treatment costs, advocate for policy solutions that expand access to care, and deliver education on complex topics—all driven by our belief that everyone deserves access to affordable, equitable healthcare.
Since 2004, our financial assistance programs have helped more than 1.2 million people to start or stay on life-changing treatment. In addition, we’ve achieved major policy victories that increase access to care, mobilized patient advocates to call for change, and educated people nationwide on critical healthcare-related topics. We’re committed to working towards a future where equitable health outcomes are a reality for all.