Make healthcare affordable and accessible to everyone—regardless of where they live, their income, or their background


Public and private sectors should make healthcare affordable and accessible to everyone—regardless of where they live, their income, or their background.

Better health is possible for all Americans. Through actionable policies, the public and private sectors can improve access to healthcare services and treatment. While at the same time, these policies can reduce overall healthcare costs.

Our State of Patient Access research initiative shows that most people in the U.S. are struggling with access barriers. But many factors can create these access challenges, ultimately impacting health outcomes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this includes not only out-of-pocket costs for treatment but also nonmedical factors that affect a person’s health—such as their income, where they live, and more.  

Leaving these factors unaddressed will continue to contribute to the decline in health for millions of people across the country. Addressing this requires leadership at the federal, state, and local government, working in collaboration with the private sector to pursue solutions.