PAN launches insurance premium fund for myasthenia gravis
The PAN Foundation today opened a new myasthenia gravis health insurance premium financial assistance program, providing up to $2,600 to help eligible patients pay for their out-of-pocket health insurance premium costs.
Myasthenia gravis is a chronic autoimmune, neuromuscular disease that causes weakness in the skeletal muscles, which the body uses for breathing and movement. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, approximately 132,400 people are living with myasthenia gravis in the U.S. About 15 to 20 percent of people with myasthenia gravis experience at least one myasthenic crisis, which is when severe muscle weakness causes respiratory failure and requires emergency care.
“With no cure, living with myasthenia gravis can require life-long treatment with high out-of-pocket costs for many,” said Kevin L. Hagan, PAN’s President and CEO. “Since 2021 we’ve offered a myasthenia gravis copay fund and we are pleased to now offer patients an insurance premium fund as well, because we know the financial burden of living with a chronic illness is great. We thank the support of PAN’s generous donors for allowing us to offer this new assistance program.”
Patients who qualify are eligible to receive up to $2,600 in financial assistance to pay for their health insurance premiums. Learn more about PAN Foundation health insurance premium funds and other support we provide on our website.
Check the status of PAN’s myasthenia gravis financial assistance funds and find out if you’re eligible:
Eligibility requirements
To get premium assistance for myasthenia gravis, patients must:
- Be getting treatment for myasthenia gravis.
- Have Medicare insurance that covers the qualifying medication or product.
- Take a medication or product listed on PAN’s list of covered medications.
- Have an income that falls at or below 500 percent of the federal poverty level.
- Reside and receive treatment in the United States or U.S. territories. (U.S. citizenship is not a requirement)
Note that an individual currently enrolled in PAN’s myasthenia gravis copay fund may also be eligible for this new premium fund. Individuals may enroll in both the myasthenia gravis copay and premium programs as long as they meet eligibility requirements and funding is available.
How to apply
You can apply online 24/7 through the PAN portal or by phone. To apply by phone, call us at 1-866-316-7263 Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET.
Healthcare professionals can apply online through the PAN portal or by phone on behalf of their patients.
Other patient support services at PAN
Apply for a transportation grant
PAN grant recipients may also qualify for transportation assistance to allow them to get to and from activities that improve their overall health outcomes, including healthcare services, social connection and support, and more. Check your eligibility to learn more.
Connect with a patient support organization
PAN recognizes that people with serious health conditions—and their families and caregivers—need support beyond financial assistance. That’s why we partner with more than 25 leading patient advocacy groups to connect people to communities that can offer support with the complex physical, emotional, and practical realities of life-threatening, chronic, and rare diseases. Learn more about our partners.
About the PAN Foundation
As a leading charitable foundation and healthcare advocacy organization, the PAN Foundation is dedicated to accelerating access to treatment for those who need it most and empowering patients on their healthcare journeys. We provide critical financial assistance for treatment costs, advocate for policy solutions that expand access to care, and deliver education on complex topics—all driven by our belief that everyone deserves access to affordable, equitable healthcare.
Since 2004, our financial assistance programs have helped more than 1.2 million people to start or stay on life-changing treatment. In addition, we’ve achieved major policy victories that increase access to care, mobilized patient advocates to call for change, and educated people nationwide on critical healthcare-related topics. We’re committed to working towards a future where equitable health outcomes are a reality for all. Learn more at